CH Angelina Honey from Hofion - BROOD BITCH

born on June 17, 2009

ChessieDB /Pedigree Database/ - link

Pedigree cards in the CZ - link

Honey’s character:
friendly, intelligent, easy to train, loves other animals and children, non-aggressive, king and playful at home, reliable fellow and friend, tireless retriever, high working appetite, no reaction on shooting

HD  A/A, ED  0/0
Prcd-PRA and EIC – clear by breeding, DM – N/N clear
Height 59 cm, no tooth missing, scissors-based bite

Successes at shows:
Junior Champion of the Czech and Slovak republics
Champion of the Czech and Slovak republics

National winner, 2x regional winner, 3x BOB, 2x BOJ, 1x CACIB, 3x r. CACIB, 8x CAC, 3x r. CAC, 5x CAJC

Club show of Retriever Club CZ - 2nd best CBR pair (2011) and 3rd best CBR pair (2012)

Extract from Judge’s reports:
Typical breed representative, graceful head with female look, well masculine neck, mature chest and front-chest, firm top line, correct mechanics of front and rear legs movement, correct angulation, standard coat, nice temperament

Hunting tests results:

Few words about hunging tests (extract from trial rules):
Each discipline can be marked in rank of 0 - 4 as follows: 4 - excellent, 3 - very good, 2 - good, 1 - sufficient, 0 - failed. The marks are recorded during the whole test and there is minimal mark required for each and every discipline in order to reach 1st , 2nd or 3rd prize. Title CACT can be obtained in case of tests organized by retriever clubs (2 clubs in CZ), only 1st dog in 1st prize of respective breed can obtain CACT, the 2nd dog in 1st prize can obtain res.CACT. Titles are not obligated and their awarding in full discretion of judges.

Honey and working results:

Test of Native Abilities - 1st prize

Field Test (qualification for searching and retrieving of smaller wild animals) - 1st prize, CACT, res.CACT

Forest test (qualification for searching and retrieving of smaller wild animals) - 1st prize, CACT, the best from retrievers

Water Test (higher qualification for water works and ducks retrieving) - 2nd prize

Universal hunting test - 1st prize, CACT - nose always with the best mark "U" - universal hunting dog


BEST working bitch 2012 - link

Honey always obtained the highest mark (4) from discipline proving sense of smell.
Honey is (and will be) in extensive preparation for another higher types of tests and actively used in (real) wild animals hunging.

Parents of Honey:


(Valiand z Vlčích luk X Penrose Wicked But Nice)
HD 0/0, ED 0/0
no tooth missing, height 63 cm
CZ champion, CZ working champion, Anka Cup 2008 – working dog of the year
“U“ universal hunting dog, working tests experience


(Penrose Yackidy Yack X Abigeil Akja Moravia)
HD 0/0
no tooth missing, height 59,5 cm
CZ+SK champion, CZ working champion CZ+SK Grand champion,
U“ universal hunting dog, winner of international universal hunting test – CACIT